I haven't had much to blog about lately and life has been busy. We have had a rough few weeks with some added stress. Some days I wonder what God is doing in our life in some of the circumstances that we have to deal with but I have to trust that it is all part of His plan and He will work it out for His good. It's so hard to not become angry and resentful and I have to admit I have become those things recently. God is dealing with me on it and I hope to grow spiritually through it. I have to learn to be content and that's the hardest for me!!
I am excited about the Holidays coming up. I love Christmas and all the activities that are involved. I love going to the Christmas parties and getting together with family that we only see once a year. I joined the choir at our church so I am singing in the Christmas program we are doing for the whole weekend. I love getting out the Christmas music that I listen to every year in the car. I've been having to listen to the choir music in order to memorize it all so that is all that has been playing non stop in our car. Caleb seems to enjoy it too!
Hang On
5 years ago